Thursday, August 25, 2011

Walking The Walk

I gave a workshop on bluegrass and mountain music this evening. It was fun to go through the music I had to prepare, but it was challenging, and reminded me what practicing meant. I love this music, but it's a difficult style to play well and I'm not immersed in it the way the best bluegrass pickers are. So I felt a real need to prep, and I was glad I did. Played a lot of mandolin, that was fun.

I had a realization the other day in a lesson: that once a student reaches a certain level of skill, the difference between student and teacher is a matter of their different listening and problem-solving abilities. I can see the problems when I make sure to look for them, and giving them attention leads to solutions. Ultimately, this is the most important skill I want my students to to stay on the road to being a better player.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Time to start treating this like a blog!

I've been using this blogspot account more as an archive of articles than an actual blog. Maybe it's the real-time part that's a challenge, although I suspect the real issue lies in the lag between my thoughts and my two-finger hunt-and-peck typing.

I haven't been a journal-keeper in a long time, and my excuse has often been that I'm too busy, or I'm not interested in keeping a chronicle. Neither is true. I've finally admitted to myself that while I do enjoy writing articles, it's something I have to make myself do, like a homework assignment or a tax return. (OK, not quite that painful). Once I'm into the flow, though, I do enjoy the process. So this is an experiment in keeping that flow in motion.

Interesting how I've been attracted to playing the piano lately. There's several areas developing on guitar...more nylon-string lately, a little more bluegrass vibe and country blues on the steel-string, and more slide on electric. But now that I have some piano students again it's making me want to play more myself. Very gratifying to have another piano part on another record, and better still that it was done live with the vocal at the same time! But there's something in the tactile part of playing piano that just feels good lately, where the guitar seems to be fighting me at least half the time. At least, if I'm trying to play something interesting.

Scraps of songs are collecting again too, and I'm beginning to book cowriting appointments again. I have much the same feeling about cowriting as I do about writing articles...hard to get started but gratifying once it's under way. One new song I'm very excited about, and there's a couple under way that have real promise. remain this focused on and interested in playing music, writing music, and writing about writing and playing music!